We arrived at Golden Gate Canyon State Park just as the sun began to set. Only a handful of sites where taken and everything was covered in snow. There was just enough room to back the Airstream into the driveway. This was a good reminder that we need a snow shovel when camping in the winter!

Every time we head to a repeat campsite, we try and find something new to do in the area. During this adventure we head to Nederland for the Frozen Dead Guy Days. We made it in time for the parade (full of hertz vehicles that were all decked out) and then found a great place for the coffin races. A good time was had by all. At the end of the day we enjoyed ice cream with espresso from Blue Owl Books.

After returning home we went for a walk around the park, and found a quinzhee that Natasha visited later in the night for some star pictures.

Once back at the camp, we gathered up as many dead twigs as we could find and sat around enjoying the warmth. Big thanks to the neighbors that gave us their extra wood.

During our last day we headed to Columbine Campground to scout around for a future glamping spot. We were surprised to find Central City Masonic Cemetery and a couple dozen ATV riders. We were not able to make it back to the Columbine Campground due to the snow and mud. We’ve heard that it is a favorite location for ATV users, and after checking out the area, I agree.

 We hope everyone is able to get out and do some glamping during the last weeks of winter. It’s quite, beautiful, and always a good time!

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When: Fall, 2014
Elevation: 9,137′
Reservation: Golden Gate Canyon State Park
Misc: level, water, dump station

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