Another nice outing at one of our favorite State Parks. We received an extra month on our State Park Pass, which made us very happy. We also met Ranger Xena—oh my!

There was a lot of rain and hail this trip—four bad storms by the time we headed home. The Airstream is very strong, and there was no damage from the marble-sized hail. Our friend Tom came along on the trip and camped on the picnic table 🙂

We hiked with Tom on the Beaver Trail, near Slough Pond, on the first day. A lightening storm rolled in, and cut our hike short. The following day we were able to complete the hike 🙂  You can add an extra mile by wandering to the shelter. We tried our had at fishing at Slough Pond, but nothing bit at our flies.

The evening sunset was beautiful at Panorama Point, which is down the road from Reverend’s ridge. We met some very nice people that were photographing the sunset too (from Russia and England).

We found a beautiful new trail, just up from our usual meadow hike. Mule Deer Trail is a nice way to wrap up the weekend.

This trip was a great way to celebrate our 2nd anniversary being married, and the defeat of DOMA!


More Information:


When: Fall, 2014
Elevation: 9,137′
Reservation: Golden Gate Canyon State Park
Misc: level, water, dump station




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